26-04-2006: As you can see I finally made a new layout for Pinkland, the hardest I have ever do >_<, hope you like it ^_^. Online lot of gift too! Thanks to every body for them!
- layout
- gift

13-04-2006: After a long silence here I am again with a new base set: Lolly, hope you like it ^__^
- doll
- base

28-02-2006: Yeaaah! A new dolls! It was a long time I didn't find time to make a doll for my site ^__^. I add also new S. Valentine's gift I recived
- doll
- gift

13-02-2006: Award of Leggy base Edit Contest are online ^__^ Congratulation to the winner ^__^. I made a new doll, a little bride on my leggy base.
- doll
- contest

06-02-2006: Leggy Base Edit Contest is now closed. Award will be online soon, stay tuned ^__^.

30-01-2006: I recived 1 award and 1 gift, thank you *_*. New entries for Leggy Base Edit Contest .
- contest
- gift
- award

26-01-2006: Entries for Leggy Base Edit Contest .
- contest

24-01-2006: Entries for Leggy Base Edit Contest .
- contest

19-01-2006: 1 new doll made on my new base Leggy. A new contest open: Leggy Base edit Contest, enjoy it ^^ .
- doll
- contest

18-01-2006: I made a new base: Leggy.. because she's got long legs XD, hope you like it ^_^ .
- base

10-01-2006: First of all Happy New Years ^__^. I'm so busy in this period and I'm so so sorry for the lack update! Thank you so much for all the beautiful xmas gifts ^_^ and sorry again if I don't link you back, but I'm really busy...hope you will understand!
As you can notice I removed my tag-board. That's because I'm really fed up about all that people who cannot read 3 simple words: THIS IS NOT A CHATOROOM! I didn't wont to do this, I like my tag board, but it seams this is the only solutions -__- by the way if you want to tell me something you can still use my mail form (contact).
- gifts
- award

21-12-2005: Yeaaaah! I made a new base: PUPA! Hope you like it ^__^ I know the body positions are not so originally ^_^'. I made a doll on it
- base
- doll

20-12-2005: I made my xmas gift for all my sisters, firends and people I admire. I recived lot of xmas gift, thank you^^*
- gift

13-12-2005: lot of xmass gift, thank you so much ^_^ Cute and Sexy Angel Contest awards are up!! I won an awards from One Color Clothes Contest ^_^
- contest
- gift

01-12-2005: Cute and Sexy Angel Contest is now on voting, award will be online soon ^_^
- contest

25-11-2005: 1 new doll and a lot of new entries for the contest
- contest entriesl
- doll

21-11-2005: 1 award and a lot of new entries for the contest
- contest entriesl
- award

18-11-2005: a lot of new entries for Cute and sexy angel contest
- contest entriesl

14-11-2005: entries for Cute and sexy angel contest
- contest entriesl

11-11-2005: Yeaaaaaaaahhh!!! I found enough time to make a doll for my own site ^__^ It is for my siste Saphire contest
. New link and adoption
- doll
- link
- adoption

10-11-2005: Sorry for the luk update, I'm so busy in this period ^^'. Lot of gifts, thank you all. I opened a new contest: enjoy it^^
- gift
- contest

26-10-2005: no new dolls for this update! I only want to introduce you my first vectorial chara: her name is Baby Berry but yuo can call her Bibi^_^... hope you like it ^_^
- vectorial chara (under pixel)

21-10-2005: first of all thanks for all the halloween gifts, I will upadtae all them next time ^^'. 2 new packs of dolls for The Doll Palace
- doll

15-10-2005: 2 new packs of dolls for THE DOLL PALACE, lot and lot and lot of gifts for autumn, halloween and my birthday ^_^ thank you so much <3
- gift
- doll

28-09-2005: one new doll made for my sister Angy-Chan Birthday, one more autumn gift, new link and adoptions
- gift
- doll
- link
- adoption

26-09-2005: so so sorry for the lack update -__-''. Finally I found time to update pinkland with you all beautiful autumn gift and the dolls I made for The Doll Palace.
- gift
- doll

30-08-2005: New dolls pack for The Doll Palace. New links and adoption. 2 gifts from my friend Mya
- link
- adoptions
- gift
- doll

24-08-2005: I'm back!!! Even if I would like to came back to Zanzibar XD. Anyway... I updated all the doll I made for The Doll Palace, to see them just clik on the image.
- award
- gift
- doll

28-07-2005: Here I am agin. Sorry for the lack update... since more than a month I've been busy creating dolls for The Doll Palace, and I haven't had time to make dolls for my site ;__;. Anyway if you want to see the dolls I've made for The doll Palace just go there ^__^ This is the link: http://www.thedollpalace.com
Saturday I'm gonna leave for vacation. I'm so happy, I will stay for 2 weeks in a beautiful african island: zanzibar and than I will pass a week problably hanging around with my friends and their motorbike XD... so... se you at the end of August, I WILL MISS YOU ALL - expect those still chat on my tagboard -_-!!!

18-07-2005: awards up for wild west contest. 3 summer gifts and 2 awards for me.
- award
- gift
- contets

11-07-2005: Thw eild west contest in closed, award soon. New awards and gifts for me
- award
- gift
- contets

04-07-2005: Award of Me My self adn I contest are Up. Thank you so much for the all great summer gift you send me^__^
- gift
- contets

27-06-2005: Lot and lot of summer gift and entries for my two contest. Me my self and I contest is now on vote. 1 new doll
- gift
- doll

22-06-2005: Lot and lot of summer gift and entries for my two contest
- gift

17-06-2005: I adopted a lot of new dolls and added some more links. Made also a new doll and recived other summer gifts ^_^
- doll
- gift
- adoption
- link

16-06-2005: New contest open: WILD WEST CONTEST, enjoy it ^__^. I made 4 dolls as example fot this new contest, also adopted a lot of new and recived some splendid gift, thank you ^^*
- doll
- gift
- adoption
- contest

10-06-2005: I made a new doll for a contest. I recived 1 award and two gifts. Lot of new entries for my contest: it is so funny see so many dollz inspired by me XD
- doll
- gift
- award
- entries

02-06-2005: new poses for my pigura base. 1 new doll. New link and adoption
- bases
- adoption
- link
- doll

01-06-2005: 2 dolls for sushi contest. new entries for my contest
- dolls
- contest

31-05-2005: I made a lot of frontal poses for my Pigura base^_^
- base

-30-05-2005: One new doll for Sugar Cream's Contest. 3 gifts and a lot of entry for my new contest ^_^
- contest
- gift
- doll

24-05-2005: 3 gifts. New contest open: "Me, my self and I contest" Enjoy it!
- contest
- gift

20-05-2005: 1 new doll on my base Pigura
- dollz

19-05-2005: 2 dolls on my new base Pigura
- dollz

18-05-2005: I made a new base: PIGURA, hope you like it^^. I recived 1 award and 2 gift and made 1 for my sister Mochi.
- gift
- base
- award

13-05-2005: 1 new doll made for a contest, I'm really proud of it, it was an hard works but it turned out as I wonted it ^__^
- doll

11-05-2005: 5 new dolls not for adoption, all gift for 6 of my sisters ^_^. A gift for me from Tab, thank you ^^*. Soon I will open a new contest ^_^. New edited face for my cherry base!
- gift

09-05-2005: yheaaaa!!! Award for fashion fever contest are up!!! I made more than 20 awards, just to give a prize to each dolls I found great ^__^. I recived 3 beautiful gift ^_^ and adopted a lot of new dolls, added also some new links
- link
- adoptions
- gift
- contest

04-05-2005: 150 entries for Barbie fashion Fever Contest O__O Thank you so much to everybody for participation^_^. Winners will be annunced soon! I made 2 dolls, one is a gift for my sister Morena, so please don't adopt it, and the other one is for the Costume Contest of my sister Saphire.
- doll
- entries
- gift

02-05-2005: Finally the banners for sisterage with Jaeden and Saphir are up ^_^, I love both! I also added some new links and adoption.
- sisters banners
- pixel
- entries
- link
- adoption

28-04-2005: made one new doll for Dada's contest^_^.
- doll
- entries

27-04-2005: Yeeeeah I have a new sister:
Saphir from Unique Dollz, she is a great doller and pixelartist, has a perfect technique and way to use colours, I love here site and her doll ^__^. I made a doll for our sister banner.
- doll
- entries

26-04-2005: No new doll at the moment ^_^'. One gift, 2 new links, 1 award and a lot of new entries for the contest 2 awards
- awards
- entries
- link

18-04-2005: New poses for my Lolly Base edited by
Saphir. I adopted a lot of new dollz and added new links. A lot of new entries for the contest. 2 awards
- poses
- awards
- entries
- link
- adoption

15-04-2005: a lot of new entries for Fashion Fever Contest. I made a new doll inspired by artwork of
- contest

11-04-2005: 1 award fro Saphire. A lot of new entry for Fashion Fever Contest. On line the winners of Doll with Umbrella Contest ^_^
- contest

07-04-2005: 1 new doll made for a contest, new sitting poses for Lolly base. New entries for the contest
- contest
- base
- doll

06-04-2005: 5 new dolls all inspired by the Fashion Fever Barbie. Entries for fashion fever contest
- contest
- base

05-04-2005: a lot of new poses for my Lolly base. Entries for fashion fever contest
- contest
- base

04-04-2005: some new gift. Umbrella contest is close, award soon. Open a new contest: Fashion Fever Contest, enjoy it ^_^. I made 7 new doll all inspired by Barbie Fashion Fever ^_^
- contest
- gift
- doll

29-03-2005: A lot of easter gifts ^__^ thank you so much girlz ^^*. New entries for the umbrella contest
- gift
- entries

24-03-2005: I made a new doll wit the beautiful base of Themis. 3 gifts and new entries for the contest.
- doll
- gift
- entries

21-03-2005: 3 gifts and new entries for the contest. PLEASE NOTE: pinkland fanlist has changed the address, èlease update your link, the new address is: http://www.pandora-s-box.net/pinklady/
- gift
- entries

18-03-2005: 1 new doll. New enties for the contes. 1 gift from Sandrine, new link and adoptions, new poses for my base Illu
- doll
- poses
- gift
- entries
- link
- adoption

14-03-2005: No new dolls: I'm working at an illustration. New entries for the contes. 1award
- award
- entries

08-03-2005: 2 new dolls made for the sister banner with Jaeden. 4 awards and 1 gift. Open one new contest: Doll With Umbrella Contest.
- dollz
- awards
- gift
- contest

03-03-2005: I made a new base: Lolly and I made a doll on it. ^_^
- dollz
- bases

02-03-2005: 1 new doll. New link and adoptions. 2 gift. Awards for Animate Charmy Base Edit Contest are online^_^
- dollz
- award
- link
- adoption

24-02-2005: 2 new dollz made for the Themis Contest. The Animated CHerry Base Edit Contest is closed and now on vote. Award soon.
- dollz
- contest on vote

22-02-2005: Yeaaah!!! I have a new sister, she is a great doller, I've always admired her pixel works and her technique, she is an amazing artist! Her name is JAEDEN
I added some new links and adopted a lot of new dollz.
- gift
- link
- adoption
- entries for the contest

16-02-2005: Yesterday I finished the game Prince of Persia and the Sands of Time. Great game, fantastic, amazing!!! I couldn't make dollz inspired by Prince of Persia and Farah ^__^ I recived others Valentine's Day Gift, thank you ^^*
- gift
- dollz
- entries for the contest

14-02-2005:Finally I found a little time to make a new doll ^__^ Thank you all for the great Valentine's day gift. I adopted new dollz and added new links.
- gift
- adoption
- dollz
- link
- entries for the contest

09-02-2005:I recived a lot of Valentine's Day gift, thank you so much ^^* they are all bautiful^^. I also adopted new dollz and added some new links. I recived 2 awards as Site of the Month thank you ^_^
- gift
- adoption
- awards
- link
- entries for the contest

04-02-2005:I made a little gift for the birthday of my firend Jaeden^_^. I adopted also a lot of new dollz.
- gift
- adoption
- entries for the contest

03-02-2005: i adopted a lot of new doll and added some new links. I recived a beautifu San Valentine's Day gift, thank you ^_^
- link
- adoption
- entries for the contest

02-02-2005: a new doll made for the contest of my sister Dada. Some entries for the contest
- 1 doll
- entries for the contest

31-01-2005: I made a gift for the burthday of my brother Umi ^__^. I also recived a bautifull gift from my friends Fra, thank you^^*
- entries for the contest
- 2 gift

26-01-2005: I made a new base set called ILLU ( from the word Illustration because this base set is inspired by my illustration - you can see them on my deviant art account). I made a doll on this new base, this doll is for the new contest of my sister Dada.
- award
- entries for the contest
- new base set : Illu
- 1 new doll

24-01-2005: Open a new one contest: Animated Cherry Base Edit Contest.
- gift
- contest

14-01-2005: I'm back! Or better... I'm back since 6 days but I found only now enought time to make a new dollz and updating the latest wonderfull Xmas gift you sended to me: thank you all ^__^*. I'm a little busy with my work in this moment but I will open a new contest soon
YOUR CODES, THIS IS THE NEW URL: www.thin-spark.com/pinklady/
- Xmas gift
- dollz

22-12: Soooo many new xmas gift, thank you all ^_^*
- Xmas gift

14-12: I made 2 dollz, really similar, that's because, first, I wanted to do a doll who give a kiss, but it seems she is not doing that, it seems she has cold, she is sneezing ^_^', so I deleted some frames and added minor changes^_^. I'm reciving so many beautiful Xmas gift, so so happy^_^ thank you all! I will not open new contest untill January, sorry!
- dollz
- Xmas gift

13-12: On line the winners of animal hat contest. Thank you all for the wonderfull Xmas gift I will upload all with the next update
- contest winners

9-12: Another new animated doll, 10 new Xmas gift, thank you all ^__^
- gift
- dollz

7-12: I've adopted some dollz from Ma Petit Poupee. I made a new animated doll with my new base Cherry.
- gift
- adoption
- dollz

6-12: I made a Christmas gift for all my siters, brothers, friends and people I really admire. I've also recived some Xmas gift, thank you so much^__^. The Contest is now under vote.
- gift
- entries

3-12: One ner doll for the contest of my sister Dada, 3 gift, new entries for the contest.
- dollz
- gift
- entries

1-12: I made a new base: Cherry, there are more than 70 poses and different faces, hope you like it^__^ New entries for the contest.
- entries
- new base: Cherry

30-11: Ok I'm Back, Cuba was fantastic, it was a wonderful week ^__^Just a quik update for the contest entries.
- entries

19-11: On line the winners of Inspired By Loish Art Contest. New entries for Animal Hat Contest. This Sunday I'm going to go to CUBA for a WEEK, so I will not update the site, but you can still send me your entries for the contest, I will upload them when I'll be back. See you ^___^
- entries
- contest award

17-11: A gift from my sister Dada. Entries for the new contest. No new doll ^_^'
- entries
- gift

15-11: The "Loish Art Contest" is on vote. Please stop send me your entries^__^ There is a new contest open: "animal hat contest" Enjoy it ^__^
- contest
- 2 awards

09-11: No new dolls for this update^_^'. I was busy making my BLOG!
- 1 gifts
- entry for the contest
- 3 awards

05-11: I made my first 3 dolls on my new base Flo^__^. I added, at the gallery section, the photos of my Lara Croft Action Figures.
- 3 dolls
- 1 halloween gifts
- entry for the contest

03-11: Finally I have a digital camera XD: a NIKON COOLPIX 5700, I'm so so so happy! I make a lot of photos of all my fairies and my cats, and you can see them visiting the gallery, you will find it in the "ABOUT ME" section. Thanks again fro the halloween gifts.^__^. I made a new base set: FLO, I hope you like it!
- new base set: FLO
- 8 halloween gifts
- entry for the contest
- new GALLERY SECTION ( find it in "ABOUT ME" section)

29-10: Ok halloween is here, just a couple of days ^__^ Thanks again to everyone for the gifts^__^. I have not new dolls for the moment, I'm working on a new base!
- 13 halloween gifts
- 2 B.D. gift
- entry for the contest

25-10: Yeaaah!!! Finally I open a new contest, enjoy it! ^__^. I've recived a lot of new beautifull halloween gifts, I think I will thank you untill the 1th November XD!
- 9 gifts

19-10: I have to thank you another time for the bautiful halloween gifts I'm still reciving ^__^. I've made a gift too for all my brothers, siters, firends and people I admire. I also made 3 dolls for a contest.
- 3 dolls
- 8 halloween gifts

16-10: Again thank so much to everybody for the beautiful gift of birthday and halloween^__^. My halloween gift is under works but all my sisters and borthers, firends and people I admire will recive it soon ^__^
- 3 birthday gifts
- 6 halloween gifts

12-10: I just would like to say thank you so so so much for all the people who gave me best wishes and happy birthday... thank you all... you are adorable and so sweet^__^
- 8 birthday gifts
- 6 halloween gifts
- 2 awards

11-10: 1 new doll made with my new base Mika (not aviable, maybe later), 6 new gifts